District Formation Process

Establishing By-Trustee Areas

Effective November 2020, residents living within the Whittier Union High School District boundaries will vote for a single candidate residing in their newly drawn trustee-area as part of the District's transition from at-large elections to by-trustee area elections.

The Board of Trustees voted in October 2018 to begin the process of shifting to the new election model. Whittier Union subsequently held seven public hearings and six community workshops to gather stakeholder input. A total of seven maps were drafted, including four drawn by a demographer and three submitted by members of the public.

On Feb. 19, the Board of Trustees selected the NDC Green Map and a sequence of elections, which will be presented to the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization for final approval in the coming months.

The first election will take place in 2020 beginning with Areas 2 and 3. Areas 1, 4 and 5 will be up for election in 2022.

A public hearing on the proposal to establish Trustee Areas and Trustee Area Voting within the WUHSD will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24 in the Sierra Education Center Board Room.

For more information, contact the Superintendent's Office at (562) 698-8121, ext. 1000.

WUHSD Students

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